Horsemen Making A Difference -- The "All Heart" Campaign

Horsemen Making A Difference -- The "All Heart" Campaign

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Working with the Lost Trotting Parks Heritage Center to Create Your Harness Horseman Profile

Record your time as a Maine Harness Horseman.
As each day passes you record your moment of
harness racing history. Make the time investment
to ensure that your time in this sport is preserved.
Send four photos attached to an e-mail with your
text as the body of the e-mail to Stephen D. Thompson.

A donation to the Lost Trotting Parks Heritage Center
would be greatly appreciated. Send your checks
payable to the LTP Heritage Center to
Lost Trotting Park, P.O. Box 263, Hallowell, Maine 04347.

Pembroke Prayer -- Maine Bred Millionaire

Naturally Noble with Justin Mahar Up

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

From the Memorabilia of Willis Whittemore

The storyboards in this post are representative of what many Maine horsemen hold dear. The photographs from the tracks tell the stories of their victories and who joined them in celebration. These storyboards from the 1960's and 1970's show Willis Whittemore with many of his early Standardbreds. As he reminisced many of these horses were his favorites.